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Restaurants participating


  • Chinese Cuisine

A pioneer of Sichuan cuisine who conveys the traditional food culture of China.

Founded in 1995, Chen Jia Shicai is known as the first restaurant in Japan to offer sword-knife-cut noodles. Since then, noodle artisans have maintained the flavor of the "original spicy knife-cut noodles," with the chewy texture of the noodles being the key to their deliciousness. This restaurant is the birthplace of the well-known Szechuan cuisine of drooling chicken, and "Emperor Drooling Chiken" is a dish that can be served medium, hot, or extremely hot, making it suitable for individuals who prefer an intense level of spiciness. Please enjoy the spiciness and the numbing sensation.


Choten mapo tofu / ¥800

Choten mapo tofu

Choten mapo tofu / ¥800

Change spiciness/Hell Spicy ¥100

Emperor drooling chicken / ¥800

Emperor drooling chicken

Emperor drooling chicken / ¥800

Change spiciness/Hell Spicy ¥100

Original Mala Sword Shaved Noodles / ¥800

Original Mala Sword Shaved Noodles

Original Mala Sword Shaved Noodles / ¥800

Change spiciness/Hell Spicy ¥100

Mapo tofu sword shaved noodles / ¥1,000

Mapo tofu sword shaved noodles

Mapo tofu sword shaved noodles / ¥1,000

Change spiciness/Hell Spicy ¥100

Rice / ¥300

Rice / ¥300

Restaurant information


Chen Family Meals Akasaka 1st Branch Waku no Kitchen
Akasaka West Building B1F, 3-19-8 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Telephone number


Opening hours

Lunch 11:30-15:00 (L.O. 14:30)
Dinner 17:30-23:00 (L.O. 22:30)

Lunch 11:30-15:00 (L.O. 14:30)
Dinner 17:30-21:30 (L.O. 21:00)